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Tesco- BLoop

The zero waste in-store breakfast cereal loop

A refillable cereal dispensing system design for a

2-week live project with Tesco to reduce disposable packaging.


The challenge was to design a solution keeping in mind the human interaction with the product throughout a zero waste supply chain- for both the staff and customer. 


During the initial exploration, a variety of ideas were explored and analysed for suitability and convenience.

A breakfast cereal dispensing system was selected to be developed further. This choice was backed by research and an understanding of consumer patterns.

The other ideas were rejected for the following reasons-

Water Refilling- Difficult to monetise, provided by independent services and local governments in some cities.

Soap/ Detergent- In case of spillage, the slippery surface will cause a safety hazard in the store.

Bread- An open counter invites for cross-contamination.

Loose Beverages- Can absorb moisture in the open.

Store Cupboard Items- A large amount of inventory will need to be kept, and since this is a new concept, the risk of loss is higher.

Milk- Expiration dates are difficult to track when it is not bottled and sealed.

Deli Counter- Will need to be manned to avoid contamination, available in stores like Morrisons so lacks innovation.

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Research was conducted through primary and secondary sources.

Primary Research : 

27 survey participants through Microsoft Forms

3 interviews through Microsoft Teams

Contextual inquiry in Tesco Express and Metro stores as well as the local Zero Waste store in Nottingham

Secondary Research : A variety of online sources with particular reference to Greenpeace Unpacked Report.

Design Development

The automated cereal dispensing system's design was developed through sketches, CAD and 3D printed models.

Final Design
Screen Interface

The 5 display screens on the dispensing system will each represent one type of cereal and then the interface will guide the user through using a reusable container to fill up and complete the interaction.

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Storyboarding  Journey Maps

In order for the supply chain to be truly zero waste and circular, it is essential to look at not only the direct consumer but also the wider supply chain and Tesco employees who will be interacting with the product.

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Design In Context

The image shows the cereal dispensing system in situ at the Tesco Metro in Nottingham. It will be placed at the end of the breakfast cereals aisle so customers still have the choice of pre-packaged cereal if that is the preference.


According to research, customers tend to spend more time towards the ends of aisle; hence it has been installed there to encourage a change in consumer behaviour. The system does not disturb the setup of the store, or the flow of customers, it simply slots in, in place of a standard shelf.

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Branding and Marketing

The system is called Bloop- the breakfast loop- a packaging free solution to a delicious and wholesome breakfast bowl.


Bloop will be installed in the 2 larger formats of Tesco- Metro and Extra. It will also be publicized on the website, as shown here- a quick overview of the system, how it works, and how it aligns with Tesco’s goals to reduce waste.

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User Feedback

45 users were shown the presentation boards and asked questions to understand whether users were willing to use the system.

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Grade : 1st

Excerpts from Feedback

" Process document is very well presented and thematically consistent - this and thoughtful use of layout makes it very easy to follow. Excellent use of storyboarding to present user journey flows of your proposed systems. Presentation boards give a very clear impression of the system both from a customer perspective and retailer perspective - thoughtful to consider the dispenser containers coming direct from the manufacturer and being reused, a mark in favour of a well thought through design. "

" Seeing the system presented to scale with a scale comparison silhouette is very good but makes the cereal dispensers look quite low - Ergonomic research into an appropriate dispenser height that is accessible for all customers could be used to increase design rigour.  "

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